Got Wind?
Be Proactive, Not Reactive
It sure is windy this morning! One of the first things that happens when it gets windy is trees break or they fall. So, let’s talk about trimming.
Trimming is vital to the health of your trees and a proactive way to try to prevent trees from breaking or falling. It reduces the risk of wind damage. We can dead wood your tree, going through and removing any dead limbs that could potentially fall. We can perform a lower canopy lift, removing the lower limbs and essentially “lifting” the canopy of your tree. Why lift your tree?
You may want to lift the limbs from directly over the roof of your home to stop the (what we call) squirrel highway, meet insurance requirements, and eliminate the possibility of roof damage.
Maybe you can’t mow the grass underneath your tree because the lower limbs are too low to easily ride below them. Lifting it will solve that problem. (And dead wooding will keep you from getting hit in the head.)
My Personal #1 - You need to ensure that emergency vehicles and delivery trucks can easily pass down your driveway. The delivery truck is mainly convenience, but nobody wants to have an emergency and not be able to be reached! Time is of the essence and having to run down your driveway and carry you to the truck is wasting precious time that you or a loved one may not have at that moment.
We can also thin out your trees. This is the main part of trimming that will help with any wind issues. Imagine your tree is a large sail on a sail boat. What happens when wind hits the sail? It pushes against it and the surface area of the sail provides resistance causing the boat to sail across the water. We don’t want our trees to sail into our house, fence, building, or car. It isn’t a boat and it needs to stay in the harbor.
So we go in and thin it out, removing many smaller, secondary limbs which allows the wind to cut through the tree instead of pushing against it. This lowers the risk of your tree falling or breaking in high winds. Unfortunately in the event of a tornado or hurricane, the winds are entirely different and can rip up trees from the roots, but thinning is the best option for protecting you and your trees from routine wind and winter ice damage.
So when do you trim?
NOW. Don’t wait. Fall to Winter is the proper season to trim and we stay busy.
Don’t let Spring sneak up on you, call today for your free estimate.