February: The Month of Love
Source: treehugger.com
What is Valentine’s Day?
Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of February. This a day that people celebrate their affection for a
person by spending time with them and showering them with love. Often people do this by spending the
person flowers, cards, and gifts.
Source: venetoinside.com
How Did Valentine’s Day Start?
Some people believe that the origin of Valentine’s Day started from a Roman Festival. The Romans held a
festival known as Lupercalia. This celebrated the beginning of their Spring. As part of this celebration the
boys would draw a girls name from a box. It is said that the two would date for the entirety of the festival,
some even carried out this relationship to marriage. Later, the church decided to turn this festival into a
Christian based holiday to celebrate St Valentine as well.
Source: catholic.org
Who is St Valentine?
Popular belief states that he was a priest from Rome in the 3rd century AD. The emperor of the time had
banned marriage. He felt that married soldiers were not as good as others. Valentine disregarded this rule
and arranged marriages in secret. When the emperor found out, Valentine was sentenced to death and
was thrown in jail. He later fell in love with the jailer's daughter. On the day he was executed (February 14th),
he sent her a letter signed “from you Valentine”.