Refresh Series: Intro to Ecotherapy
What is Ecotherapy?
Ecotherapy is the approach which rests on the idea that people have a deep connection to their environment and nature. Failure to nurture this connection can take a toll on your being, specifically mental health. Spending time in nature can help boost your mood and bring your mind to ease.
Different Types?
Ecotherapy typically consists of loosely structured activities.
Below are a few examples:
Community gardening and farming: This activity helps build relationships and grow your own produce.
Wilderness Therapy: This teaches coping techniques and therapeutic skills.
Park Perks: Mental health professionals are increasing their recommendation for patients to find time in their week to visit parks and pursue other outdoor activities.
Forest Fawning: This encourages the mindful use of the five senses as you travel through the forest or similar settings.
Animal-assisted Therapy: Playing with these sweet friends such as a dog or cat can help manage stress levels better.
Outdoor Meditation and Yoga: Yoga or meditation help benefit both the mind and body, but it benefits even more when taken outdoors.
Ecotherapy is inexpensive and easy to access. It provides more opportunities to socialize. For example: joining a gardening club, hiking, visiting sites in a group. It also promotes exercise. Exercise can better sleep patterns and soothe anxiety and depression. Ecotherapy increases mindfulness and creates a better balance with stress factors.
Things To Try
Trash Pickup
Read under a tree
Meditate in a forest
Sketch your outdoors experience
Take your regular activities outdoors